Terms & Conditions

Updated: 4th January 2023

Terms and Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions outline the proper use of QSMS services, including SMS and any future services. QSMS reserves the right to modify this policy as needed. All subscribers of our services, whether direct or indirect, are expected to adhere to this policy as amended from time to time.

Acceptable Use:

1. Legal Use: QSMS services are to be used solely for lawful purposes. Transmission, distribution, or storage of any material in violation of applicable laws or regulations is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property rights used without proper authorization, as well as material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or violates export control laws or national security.

2. Subscriber Conduct: Subscribers must use our services for lawful purposes only. Subscribers shall not post or transmit material that violates the rights of others, is unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, vulgar, obscene, profane, or otherwise objectionable. Any conduct that restricts or inhibits another subscriber's use of our services will not be permitted. Subscribers shall not use our services for commercial solicitation without prior approval.

3. Copyright and Proprietary Rights: Subscribers shall not upload, post, or make available material protected by copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights without proper permission. Subscribers are solely responsible for any damage resulting from copyright infringement.

4. System and Network Security: Violation of system or network security is prohibited and may result in legal action. QSMS will investigate and cooperate with law enforcement agencies if criminal violations are suspected. Examples of security violations include unauthorized access, unauthorized monitoring of data, interference with service, and introducing computer contaminants or viruses.

5. Indemnification: Subscribers agree to defend and hold QSMS harmless from claims and expenses arising from their use of our services.

6. SMS Use: Subscribers must not post or transmit unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, or indecent information, or any information that violates the rights of others. Sending unsolicited SMS messages, including commercial advertising and informational announcements, is explicitly prohibited.

7. Cost Policy: Subscribers are required to pay the agreed-upon amount per SMS sent, including taxes. QSMS will notify users of any changes in tariff.

8. Refund Policy: QSMS does not offer refunds unless agreed upon. Refunds, if approved, may take 60 to 90 days and are subject to deductions for service charges.

9. Enforcement: Violations of these Terms and Conditions may result in termination of services without prior notice. Indirect or attempted violations by third parties on behalf of subscribers are also considered violations.

10. Agreement Acceptance: By registering with QSMS, users agree to these Terms and Conditions. If users do not agree, they should not register with us.